Pat and Sari's Honeymoon Bike Ride

Saturday, August 02, 2008 - Rest Day in Mobridge, SD

The usual sort of rest day - working on next week's route, figuring out how much food we need to take with us, lining up places to stay. Grunt work. Even more annoying was the fact that we realized we didn't really need to come to Mobridge (not one of our best stops, although not bad) and we could have saved ourselves a bunch of miles if we had looked ahead a little bit more. Oh, well.

Next week looks like it might be as tough as this week was, with long days and few services in them. We'll be in South Dakota all week but will be dipping into Iowa soon afterwards. It'll be nice to get back into more populated areas, although the lack of traffic has sure been nice!

Views of the Missouri River in Mobridge

A Learning Center named after Sakagawea with a small earthlodge replica