Pat and Sari's Honeymoon Bike Ride

Saturday, August 16, 2008 - Rest Day in Atchison, KS

Another grueling day, working out next week's route. We'll go into Missouri early tomorrow morning and stay in the state all week. It looks like Missouri will be pretty hilly, but almost half of the week will be on the famous Katy Trail which Adventure Cycling calls flat. We seem to have a difference in understanding of the word "flat", but it should be at least less hilly than the other parts of the route. We will reach the end of our Adventure Cycling maps at the end of this week, in St. Louis, MO, and after that we'll be on our own (no more blaming AC for the hills and the complicated routing!)

No pictures today - sorry. It's a shame we didn't get to the Amelia Earhart birthplace; I would have liked to have seen that. But we never seem to have enough time on our rest day to do what we need to get done, so the sight-seeing gets dropped off the list. It was a real pain not having cellphones or easy internet access on our rest day - I hope we don't make that mistake again! Hopefully, Missouri will be a pretty state, and all this work will be worth it.